In this series of multi-media collages, Luca Nova Webb explores the ongoing processes of discovery and assembling the self. Though this work is directly inspired by the artist’s own experiences with dissociation and transformation, this series also broadly mirrors the multifaceted nature of the human experience, and the work that we all do to construct our identities. Every viewer is invited to engage in their own journey of discovery, and to find meaning and purpose in these journeys.

The six exhibited artworks explore themes of dissociation, sense of self, growth, healing, and transformation- each of which serve as a stepping stone toward wholeness. Some pieces evoke feelings of fragmentation, a disconnection between mind and body, and the emotional toll of dissociation through jarring textures and shapes that suggest chaos and instability. Others offer quiet reflection and contemplation.

The figures in this series are sourced from John Tennial’s illustrations of Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, a character and a story that feature similarities to dissociation and fragmentation as Webb experiences them. The distortion of reality in Wonderland, Alice’s memory gaps and inconsistent perception of time, and her challenges with communicating with other characters and their own linguistic and logical absurdities are just a few of these many similarities.

This work is also influenced by contemporary art movements that use mixed media and collage techniques to explore themes of identity. The very act of collaging, of deconstructing and reconstructing images, mirrors the fragmented and layered nature of our identities.



Luca Nova Webb is a mixed media artist located in Worcester, MA. They have a special interest in collage and assemblage with a thematic focus on queer culture, social justice, and mental health. Harnessing the power of creative expression, they navigate the intricate landscapes of the self, fostering exploration and growth by transforming personal challenges into strengths. With a remarkable ability to connect on various levels, their diverse identities enrich the creative process. They embrace their unique system as a wellspring of empathy and insight, illuminating the path for themselves and those they guide. Through therapeutic arts, they guide others on transformative journeys, unraveling complexities to reveal hidden strengths. Webb’s own experiences fuel a passion for healing, inspiring others to embrace their authentic selves. Their canvas becomes a bridge to understanding, a testament to the power of art in fostering connection and growth amid the intricacies of the human mind.




View works below. For sales inquiries, please contact the galleries at sue@artsworcester.org or call (508) 755-5142.


Lost in the Void

mixed media assemblage of handmade paper, magazines, grid paper, washi tape, and acrylic paint on wooden panel, 10" x 10", 2022, Not For Sale


Observations from the Inner World

mixed media assemblage: handmade paper, magazines, grid paper, cellophane, acrylic paint on wooden panel, 10" x 13", 2022, Not For Sale


Collaborative Reunions

mixed media assemblage: handmade paper, magazines, grid paper, cardboard, stickers, acrylic paint on wooden panel, 10" x 12", 2023, Not For Sale


Blossoming Amidst Chaos

mixed media assemblage: handmade paper, magazines, acrylic paint on wooden panel, 10" x 12", 2023, Not For Sale


Transcending the Broken Vessel

mixed media assemblage: handmade paper, magazines, acrylic paint on wooden panel, 11" x 11", 2023, Not For Sale


Metamorphosis Unveiled

mixed media assemblage: handmade paper, magazines, and acrylic paint on wooden panel, 9" x 11", 2023, Not For Sale

For sales inquiries, please contact the galleries at sue@artsworcester.org or call (508) 755-5142.