/AmberRose Tortorelli

site-specific installation, 2022

site-specific installation, 2022

site-specific installation, 2022

site-specific installation, 2022

AmberRose Tortorelli
Self-Portrait (From the Series ‘Drunk in a Toy Store and Out of Tampons with Aarne, Thompson, and Kurt Cobain)
Mixed-Media Sculpture-mannequin, broken music equipment, paint, glitter, fairy tales, chaos
33″ x 82″
You don’t plan all of your catch and cooks. Sometimes you improvise by necessity. On my sturdy flat surface, assemblage and autobiography work together to form an introspection and display of personal and professional status, in health and art. As a father, a teacher, and an artist–I have to rely on myself and take of myself through the collision, overlapping, and parallelling of these various aspects of life’s work.