Stumpf, Suzanne

/Suzanne Stumpf


Suzanne Stumpf


Inspired by: Constance Bigelow, 1945 Debutante (Miss Meriwether Lewis Cowgill)

porcelain sculpture

12.5″ x 16″ x .75″



Apparition is a porcelain wall sculpture constructed with hundreds of hand-carved porcelain shards, delicately arranged and subtly spray-glazed to evoke trails/motion/spirits. This meditative monochromatic work echoes the hues, delicacy, and purity of Bigelow’s painting as well as the rhythms of the billowing satin layers of the subject’s dress.


Suzanne Stumpf


Inspired by: Unknown artist, Yellow Amber Beads


10″ x 9″ x 2.5″


Amber is presumed to offer protection to the wearer. A shell also should. Inspiration for Carapace comes from multiple places. When a friend sent me a photo she took of a box turtle that crossed her path, my heart skipped a beat. Such stunning beauty! And a question: how does nature do this? I was reminded of Mary Oliver’s words about nature “what, in the earth world, is there not to be amazed by, to be steadied by, and to cherish?” Despite the hardness of their shells, turtles are vulnerable creatures, and with their not infallible shells, they are a metaphor for the fragility of nature. My sculptural interpretation reveals the shell to not be truly protective but instead a window into the interior with its Amber glow. The spiritual spark and embodiment of life that is hidden inside/beneath our “shells” is at once beautiful, precious, and so fragile.


Suzanne Stumpf


Sculpture (porcelain)

1.25″ x 18″ x 17″


This guy likes trees, nature, pen and ink and technology (where used to benefit humankind).

IG @suzannestumpf FB: Suzanne Stumpf

Suzanne Stumpf

Raku Tripod Vessel

Inspired by: Mixteca-Puebla Artist, Tripod Bowl


4” x 8”


Raku work dates back to the 1500s and is held in high esteem for Japanese rituals such as tea ceremonies. The crazing/crackling that evolves through the intense firing and cooling process is unique from vessel to vessel. Its unpredictability is evocative of mysterious messages.


Suzanne Stumpf

Rock My Galaxy

sculpture (porcelain)

18″ x 4.5″ x 14″


Rock My Galaxy is a multi-component sculpture that was inspired by constellations in the Milky Way. The components can be rearranged to create many “constellations” found in our galaxy, but also to evoke new ones.


Suzanne Stumpf

Vessel (untitled)


4.25″ x 6.5″ x 5.5″

