/Saanvi Singh
Nicole Overbaugh
Saanvi Singh
Gyani Pradhan Wong Ah Sui
Time is a Flat Circle
video installation film
1 minute and 50 seconds
Time is a Flat Circle is a video installation film written and directed by Nicole Overbaugh and Gyani Pradhan Wong Ah Sui, with the help of camera assistant Saanvi Singh. In an attempt to reconnect creatively after Overbaugh returned home, this film synthesizes our creative tendencies around the subjects of change and belonging. Our intention was to break away from the format of the narrative short films we are used to collaborating on, opting to lean into the way video installation films typically run on a loop in gallery settings. The furniture alludes to the familiar setting of a home that the protagonist eventually leaves, while the mysterious object they encounter is symbolic of the unknown. The protagonist is trapped in the perpetual purgatory of a dream they cannot escape, calling into question the notions of free will and impermanence in a cyclical world.
@ _saanviii_