Paulson, Stephen

/Stephen M. Paulson


Stephen Paulson

At the Old Homestead

Inspired by: Evelyn Rydz, Gulf Pile

found objects, metal, wood, glass, ceramic

36” x 15” x 26”


Evelyn’s work reminded me of abandoned homesteads in New England where household items and farm tools are scattered about and are gradually reclaimed by nature.

Instagram, stephenpaulson48

Stephen Paulson

Brief Encounter

Stained Glass, (Glass, Copper and Solder)

26” x 22” x 18″


I remember the first time I was told with animosity that my tears were a weakness. It took me until adulthood to recognize that my sensitivity is a superpower. TOO SENSITIVE depicts what it felt like to be told as a child that I was feeling too much.


Stephen Paulson


Stained Glass

18” x 14” x 1/2”


This work was inspired by the water colors of the Scottish artist Rennie Mackintosh.


Stephen Paulson

I’m Too Sexy for My Hat

wood, metal, glass, found objects

28″ x 21″ x 11″


stephenpaulson48 (Instagram)