/Ryan Killoran

Ryan Killoran
Dahlia I
analog photography
12″ x 18″ (unframed), 18.5″ x 24.5″ (framed)
This photograph of a dahlia peaking out from behind a film burn was taken in the gardens of New Salem Cider in New Salem, Massachusetts. I kept just a small section of the dahlia’s unfurling ray florets in focus at let the rest of the frame fall off in a blur. I’m rather fond of shooting wide open, always chasing that soft dreaminess only a shallow depth of field can net. A color-shifting film rendered the yellow disk florets pink and diffusion filters softened the image further and embued it with a gentle glow.

Ryan Killoran
inkjet print
12″x 18″ (print) 18″ x 24″
I took this photo of a coneflower on color-shifting 35mm film. The white of the petals and dark stigmas are relatively unchanged but the green of the background went a dreamy purple. There’re tiny scratches on the emulsion, possibly from errant dust in my camera, which give a bit of texture and a sense of movement to the shot.