Hamlett, Oliver

/Oliver Hamlett


Oliver Hamlett

Clark University, 2026, Interactive Media

Collaged Space

pen on drawing paper

14″ x 17″


Not For Sale

The task of this assignment was to collage four of five different spaces that we found online or in person and make it into one, distinguishable piece. The goal was to make the piece feel like a “real” place that could exist. Throughout the majority of the semester I used graphite and charcoal, however for this piece I wanted to use pen. I felt it captured the fun and essence of the piece more than my traditional mediums.


Oliver Hamlett

Clark University, 2026, Interactive Media

Colorful Mushroom Zentangle

pen and Ohuhu markers on mixed media paper

10″ x 48″


Not For Sale

I wanted to create a fun, colorful piece using markers and pens-the challenge being to not have the same colors next to each other. I wanted to invoke a bright and lighthearted feeling. I also wanted to make as many small details as I could so every time you see the piece you would notice something different.


Oliver Hamlett

Clark University, 2026, Interactive Media


graphite on drawing paper

11.4″ x 16.5″


Not For Sale

I wanted to challenge myself with one of the more difficult parts of human anatomy: hands. This was also the piece that helped me breakthrough some of my struggles with graphite, shading, and lighting. Making something seem realistic was very much a challenge, and one I want to endeavor again. Originally, I was going to include something in the middle that the hands were “manipulating” in some way, but I felt leaving it open would create a wider variety of thoughts or ideas for people to create themselves.
