Beinecke, Anne

/Anne Beinecke


Anne Beinecke

Night Garden

Inspired by: Howard John Besnia, Persis Kenji Nakahashi, A Cut in the Sky Kenro Izu, Blue #1010B

acrylic and pencil on watercolor paper

14″ x 20″


Not For Sale

The billowing pulses of magenta and violet, and energetic mark making in Night Garden flow from an automatic process where ambiguous forms emerge and float together on the page as if in communion. There, connected by the sinewy stems and roots that ground them, they inhabit a moody, monochromatic world suggestive of the night., @anne_beinecke

Anne Beinecke

This Bleeding Earth

Inspired by: Robert Adams, Bulldozed Slash Harvey Sadow, Fire and Flood/Sacred Sites Evelyn Rydz, Gulf Pile

acrylic, pencil on cruelty-free watercolor paper

14” x 20”


Anne Beinecke’s billowing pulses of color and asemic marks conjure a world that straddles the abstract and representational. Anne is inspired by nature, symbols and dreams, and her work often aims to radiate an atmosphere that evokes a sense of empathy and hope for our shared planet and all her inhabitants.


Anne Beinecke

The Swimmer

acrylic, pencil on watercolor paper

18″ x 24″


In The Swimmer, cerulean, turquoise, and ultramarine shards give way to saffron and purple biomorphs that float above the transition between the depths and heights. Skirting the boundary is the swimmer, balancing a life between ocean, debris and sky. The painting also suggests a pivot point for a world increasingly marked by the narrowing boundary between land and water, heat and life – and a dwindling temperate zone.


Anne Beinecke

Floating Pond

acrylic, pencil on paper

14″ x 20″


Anne Beinecke’s billowing pulses of color and energetic mark making flow from an automatic process and are developed through a marriage of spontaneity, deliberation and imagination. Her forms emerge and float together on a page as if in communion. There, they inhabit an unrestricted world that often straddles the abstract and representational. Driving Beinecke’s work is her fervent passion for nature which streams through in a rainbow of colors. Immersed in the natural world, the boundaries between inside and out blur, all life forms feel interconnected – and from these magical experiences, paint pours out onto paper.


Anne Beinecke

Red Bull with Roses

Inspired by: Paul Quain, Loading Cattle, Aran Matt Siber, McDonalds Justin Walker, Daddy Bruce

acrylic, pencil on cruelty-free watercolor paper

18″ x 24″


In “Red Bull with Roses” the billowing pulses of crimson reds and sap greens belie a more threatening substrata of heat and blood – the existential threads that tie together the cruelty of animal exploitation in the meat industry with the callous violation of Earth’s lush landscapes, contributing greatly to the progression of the climate crisis. This work does not shy from the fact that for all creatures the heart pumps red blood, whether in light or in mourning.
