/Darcy Cloutman

Darcy Cloutman
Off Pine Island, Lake Winnipesaukee
Inspired by: Kenro Izu, Blue #1010B
acrylic paint on canvas
12″ x 36″
Blue is the color that dominates nature, from the endless sky to vast expanses of water; and for the artist who seeks vistas where sky and water compete for dominance, often all that separates one from the other is a brief slash of horizon. Izu’s Blue #1010B inspired my work – the model’s organic fluidity is the foreground wave, and her skin is sky – perfect in its cool incandescence.

Darcy Cloutman
Molten Water Sunset
acrylic on canvas
12″ x 36″
Whenever I paint or draw the voice of my childhood art teacher is always in my head, repeating “draw what you see, not what you think you see”. I have always tried to look hard for the tiny shapes of color or the changes in value that allow our brains to perceive the world. Lately I have been most interested in water, sky, and reflection. I think this painting is particularly successful.