/Clara Dennison
Instagram: @clara.denn_paperbirchartstudio Facebook: paper birch art studio(farm studio
Clara Dennison
Small Wonder
8” x 8”
This watercolor “Small Wonder” is one of many miniature watercolors that I have painted when traveling. I will often use these sketches to create larger images. With “Small Wonder” I feel that the small scale represents the scene best of all by bringing the viewer up close and personal.
@Clara.denn_paperbirchartstudio /Paper birch art studio

Clara Dennison
What Remains After the Storms
Inspired by: Laura McPhee, The Blue Lagoon
20″ x 24″
Instagram: clara.dennison , Meta: Paper Birch Art Studio

clara dennison
Where Seraphim Come to Rest
Acrylic on up-cycled canvas
36” x 36”
This painting Where Seraphim Come to Rest was created on a used canvas that I have up-cycled. The textures that were on the canvas became the starting point for my painting. I began by rolling on paint, adding and subtracting color until shape and forms appear and the image came together. My work is based on natural places that I find personally significant and my interpretations of them, whether real or imagined.

Clara Dennison
Little Broken Tree Cove, Kayaking Lake Wampanoag, Gardner, MA
acrylic on upcycled canvas
18″ x 36″
My artwork whether its watercolor, printmaking, oils or acrylics, are inspired by places I have visited and interacted with. My acrylic painting “Broken Tree Peninsula” is based on a photo I took while kayaking. While seeking shade I came across This little broken tree in the cove. I was impressed by the resilience and strength it showed after losing the larger more dominate trunk. With the use of acrylics and an up-cycled canvas with already beautiful underlying textures and colors, I hope to show that feeling of strength to the viewer by presenting the subject as a dominating force.
Instagram: @clara.denn_paperbirchartstudio Facebook: paper birch art studio(farm studio