/Erin Reid

Erin Reid
ODE TO MOON #18: JUNE 12, 2022, Hayesville, NC
Inspired by: Lionel Reinford, Winter in New England
watercolor on paper
11″ x 14″
I planned to break from painting. Not long after I accepted to put down the brush, I began a new cycle during the peak of a lunar journey and at the end of one very personal. I sat for days watching the strawberry moon rise from behind the hazy blues of the Appalachian Mountains. I couldn’t believe how fast she rose, and ran for a sketchbook. To be in harmony with nature feels like an immense privilege at a moment in time when it’s survival is in dire straits. Despite the impact of our destruction, the way the moon always seems to rise feels like a promise. Like Lionel Reinford, I am in the pursuit of capturing nature’s generosity. These paintings are my promise back to nature — to remember it’s serenity. A moment to pause. A breath boundless in time.