/Lynn Nafey

Lynn Nafey
A Midnight Dream
Inspired by: Phyllis Galembo, Atam Masquerader
ink, acrylic, spunbond polyester, silk thread on wood panel
15″ x 12″
The human desire for meaningful connection is universal, expressed through ceremony, meditation, prayer, or the subconscious in art and dreams. While some see dreams as random, I view them as reservoirs of symbolic guidance. A Midnight Dream explores this mysterious, transformative state. A search for connection also appears in Galembo’s Atam Masquerader, where ceremonial garb signifies a bond with the spirit world. Both works use monochromatic tones to merge figure and background, suggesting the self’s subduing to reach a higher state. In contrast, color and adornment emphasize the extraordinary nature of this connection, bridging the mundane and the transcendent.

Lynn Nafey
A Little Birdie Told Me #5
Pigment transfer print on Arches 88, colored pencil.
24″ x 23″
At the heart of my mixed media and digital work is the eclectic layering of color, texture, and pattern. With an ever-growing collection of ink drawings, monotypes, photographed textures, and more, I begin each piece with a sense of discovery and a hankering for the unexpected. Taking cues from what emerges, I continually add and remove layers, often inserting bits of texture to create a sense of atmospheric movement, until the image breathes with its own intangible sense of magic and mystery.

Lynn Nafey
Sweet and Sour
acrylic paint, ink, transfers, colored pencil, graphite, silk thread, paper, Dura-Lar on plexiglass and aluminum composite
25″ x 29″
I am intrigued by what lies beyond the seemingly apparent, particularly the emotional undercurrents and lingering memories that operate beneath the surface of our lives. My multi-layer constructions, with varying levels of opacity, feature figures and motifs that are visible only through a foggy lens, where viewers can peer into the deepest recesses. Intentionally enigmatic, my symbology is one where, just as in dreams, laws of logic are broken in the name of emotional impact, and the stories that unfold are ripe with mystery and metaphor.