/Carrie Crane
Carrie Crane
Timothy Johnson
Trapesoids, Triangles and Transits
ink, graphite, acrylic paint on paper
10″ x 10″ (unframed)
$850 (sold)

Carrie Crane
Platonic Solids Deconstructed, Cube VI
acrylic and graphite on mylar, mounted on clayboard
6″ x 6″

Carrie Crane
Welcoming the Day, Looking East, December 22 – March 19, 2024
photograph on aluminum
11″ x 14″
I have been photographing the sunrise from my rocky perch on the far side of our pond from December 22, 2023 through March 19, 2024. It wasn’t always clear and there were a few days it was too windy to be in the woods. And a few days I was away. But this is the most of it. One quarter trip around the sun.

Groovy! Man!
found Plexiglas pieces, Lite Brite pegs, optical film, wire, MDF, wood, adhesive film, electric motor, wire, acrylic tubing, metal tape, LED lights, 12V power supply, paint, hot glue, acrylic medium, hardware
14″ x 14″ x 14″
Orbiting with Orchestra
12V DC motor, LED lights, paper, foil, optical film, acrylic, paint, MDF
10″ x 24″ x 24″
This work reflects a growing interest in movement, reflected light, and color. This series of works is made from miscellaneous, odd materials found in my studio. Adding LED lighting and DC motors I have attempted to make intimate, soothing environments with motion, cast shadow, and color. These pieces would ideally be experienced in a dark space large enough to sit in, where one could comfortably spend some calming moments.

Carrie Crane
graphite, film, polycarbonate, acrylic paint on paper
6.5″ x 8″ x 6.5″
This piece is part of the Platonic Solids Deconstructed series of sculptures which are an extension of a series of paintings. Each piece is based on one or more of the Platonic solids. Editing the shapes, I eliminated sides, created protrusions, stretched walls. I added trompe l‘oeil drawings and reflective film to rendered inside and outside ambiguous. This is a mysterious object with an uncertain function letting the viewer come up with the story.

Carrie Crane
Platonic Solids Deconstructed: Tetrahedron IV
acrylic and graphite on paper mounted on panel
5″ x 9″
This is one of a series of paintings exploring the deformation of the exacting geometry of the 5 polygons known as the platonic solids.